Frequently Asked Questions

Our arrangement when we work together.

Any and all services that DigitalRealtyX, (also referred to as “DRX” “” or “we” or “us”) will be hired to produce and/or provide a service for you (also referred to as “you” or “the client”), and will be subject to the following terms and/or frequently asked questions “FAQ”:

What are the requirements when I order?

It is best recommended to be very specific on the items you order so we ensure the delivery is flawless and to your standards.  Our objective is to fulfil your needs and meet your goals based on what you ordered.  Documenting to us at the time of checkout which allows you to provide any specific notes, will be ideal.  For example…If you are ordering any Virtual Staging, Virtual Panos, Virtual Renovation orders – be specific on what you’d like on each image. 

Scenario: if you are adding 3 images for virtual staging, please make sure that your files are uploaded and labeled (master bedroom, kitchen and dining, bedroom, living room, etc.) so we are able to distinguish the room.  For each image, quickly explain: Image 1) master bedroom – please provide modern style furniture, add a lamp, pictures, TV.  Image 2) Living Room – add TV, couch..and so on.  It’s pretty straightforward.   If you have any questions you can always email us at or hit the chat button on the bottom of this page, or go to the contact us on the site and send a note. 

When using our services for virtual staging, virtual panos, virtual renovation, virtual twilight, photography editing, removal of items…the services is being request by you as there is a manipulation of the image to increase a better experience for the agreed service you pay.

What service is the customer agreeing to?

If there is any level of design to your images, our goal is to ensure we deliver the best design created based on your request for the service ordered.  If you require any edits with the images that are manipulated for a better experience, we will allow one iteration of editing them for you.   Keep in mind, any images that fall under the category of virtual images (virtual staging, virtual panos, virtual renovation)…the furniture and/or items placed in the image are for a better aesthetic look and feel – they are not the furniture you are selling within your image, it’s to increase the look and style of an empty room or area you desire to perform the service.  Your goal is to agree and provide as much information at the time of purchase that is required to complete the project to your request.

What do I expect in my design?

If we are creating the design for you, our goal as referenced above is to ensure we get you the best completed product to your desire so you can display your images for all your marketing efforts.  The more visibility you get to your images after they are completed, the better.  The design will all be based on what you request for us to deliver.  Keep it simple, we will always deliver something nice which is why our customers love coming back to us.  If for any reason there are additional requests, there might be extra costs associated, but this usually doesn’t happen because you will be delighted with what you get!

What are we editing for Photo Editing service?

The DigitalRealtyX team offers superior quality service to ensure your finalized images are effectively processed.  We provide HDR photo editing services, requiring you to provide 3 single raw exposures per shot, we manually blend the images for our Real Estate photographers with a dramatic finished touch.  At time of completion, you will receive two files (one labeled High Res, the other labeled MLS Res).  These two files will be at your discretion for your marketing purposes.  The service you select with us provides you with 30 completed images representing both files.

Additional items to know

Though we deliver astonishing work that will be to your satisfaction, we can’t guarantee that the content we return to you will not be viewed as misleading or fabricated from another entity, individual(s) or companies / organizations viewpoint.  We will not be liable to you or any third party damages, including loss of revenue or other accompanying, substantial or specific damages developed out of the completion of our service.

We will also not be held liable for how the data is sent to us, files, context which will be utilized for your services.  If any establishment of this agreement shall be unauthorized, cancelled, or for any reason unenforceable, then that establishment shall be deemed void from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

Your Completed Photos

The images provided by you are guaranteed that all elements, text, content, imagery, designs are your images you either performed or paid to complete. 

When you pay for a service with us, there is an element of copyright for your reference which provides the following.

  • It is your content, based on our completed work, it’s yours from a copyright perspective based on what you purchased from us.
  • We have the right to promote your photos for our marketing purposes: social media, website(s), articles, blogs, print media, email campaigns to showcase our service – but that’s all, we don’t sell the images / content, our goal is just to promote our great work as we are very proud of what we do.


We are here to ensure the services you order from us are delivered with efficient service and fantastic quality of work.  Our goal is to provide amazing work for your properties (residential or commercial) you are selling, rentals (home rentals, apartments, commercial, vacation homes) to provide the best experience to get you more customers and sell quicker.  All our customers are subject to these details as we referenced in our FAQ as final.